Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Am I a creature of habit ?

As I continue on with my new lifestyle in the Dominican Republic, I can't help but notice that some things don't change. Here's proof:

Me at my condo in Magog, Canada:

Me at my apartment in Cabarete, Dominican Republic:


Jean-Francois Poirier said...

This is a photoshop trick! You are not in the Dominican Republic!

Great environment to work into! You lucky Gilles!

Your blog is very interesting and entertaining! Keep up the good work!

Jane said...

The Man of the Seas is closer to his element, which excludes freezing on a balcony in Magog.

I actually envy your work environment.

"c'est toujours les mêmes qui ont tout" (boo hoo)


Deb said...

You are indeed a creature of habit as am I! Looks like you're wearing the same shorts too! Hahaha! Really enjoyed the video of your apartment. It's really nice! Enjoy! Deb